Saturday, January 16, 2010

Professor Kather's lecture.

On Friday, January 15th, I was lucky enough to be able to sit in on Professor Kather's lecture on the art in William Blake's version of The Book of Job. I wasn't sure how much I would like a presentation on art, but when she began her powerpoint with a comic strip of the Peanuts I knew I was in for something very interesting.
First I learned who William Blake was. This was nice, because it gave me some insight to his life and helped me to understand his artwork moreso than I would have if I hadn't known anything about him. I was happy to hear that he believed in equality, and that he displayed that in some of his prints. It was hard to believe that he died in poverty after having created something so wonderful as the art for Job. Another thing that I really liked about Blake was that he was religious but he did not like the Old Testament. I have a lot of respect for him, because he was "different" and oppinionated, and didn't let it interfere with his religion.
I was surprised by all of the reasons that Professor Kather presented as to why people should read Job. They were to attempt to make sense of the theme of the victim, to think outside the box by using a spiritually transforming method, and to increase self-awareness by being less subjective and more objective.
Having read the book I can reflect back and really think about everything that happened more in-depth. I hope to have accomplished some of the afore mentioned goals.
- Tia Lambert '13

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