Monday, March 29, 2010

Professor Kjar's lecture.

On Friday, March 26th, I attended "Evolution: Order and Chaos," a lecture given by Professor Kjar. It was a new, and pretty comical, spin on Evolution that I had not really learned before. For instance, when he asked, "why are there consistant characters?" and answered himself by saying, "because that's the kind of mood God was in." It was a real belief, but I had never heard anyone say it in a way that made me laugh.
I had already gone into the lecture with the basic knowledge of evolution, not really expecting to gain much from it. I was mistaken, and even a little embarassed, when Professor Kjar started to discuss with us the many misconceptions that people have about evolution. Apparently, there is no progressive evolution, and genetic drift is only moderately random. Whoops!
I think the most interesting part was that Professor Kjar could relate all of his studies to ants. When people say that they are studying something, I do not think anyone is prepared for them to say that the subjects are ants. I know that he was serious and passionate about them, but I also think it added to the comicalness of the program.
Professor Kjar's lecture helped to expand on what we are learning in class a little, because he helped to explain why the church did not accept evolution, something I had always wondered. Apparently, God made everything to be perfect, and if animals were perfect then they would not have the need to evolve. I can see how this might have confused people.

(Scott Thompson. 9 July, 2009. Online image. Yahoo Creative Commons. 29 March, 2010)
- Tia Lambert '13

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