Saturday, February 13, 2010

Human nature in a song.

Lily Allen - The Fear
The video.

I chose the song "The Fear" by Lily Allen for this blog, because I feel like her satirical lyrics reveal a lot about the truths of human nature and the self (the "material self" especially). The first verse:

I wanna be rich and I want lots of money.
I don't care about clever, I don't care about funny.
I want loads of clothes and ----loads of diamonds.
I've heard people die when they are trying to find them.
And I'll take my clothes off and it will be shameless,
'cause everyone knows that's how you get famous.

I believe (and feel free to disagree with me) that the artist is pointing out the faults in our society. There are, in general, two views of human nature. The first would be that men are naturally good, while the second would be that men are naturally bad. Lily Allen would take the latter position. In this verse, she is describing people as making their "material self" their highest priority, even at the sacrifice of their morals and values. The chorus:

I don't know what's right and what's real anymore,
and I don't know what I'm meant to feel anymore.
And when do you think it will all become clear?
'Cause I'm being taken over by the fear.

This verse ties in with the course Order and Chaos. I believe that the artist is saying that while people may seem very orderly on the outside, their lives are actually very chaotic. This is true of many people. Those who want to be thin and model-like. Those who want to have large muscles, or those who want to be successful in life. Everyone faces these challenges, and everyone handles them differently. Of course, in this song, Lily Allen is criticizing those who give up their morals and beliefs for something like fame.
(Lily Allen. "The Fear." It's Not Me It's You. Parlophone, 2009.)
- Tia Lambert '13


  1. I agree with the song that you chose. In our society today all anyone wants and thinks about is money and how you can be better than everyone else. It is true that most people just want everything and end up making life more chaotic then it needs to be.

  2. Nice song selection! I personally think I'd stick with the camper, but the idea of people dressed nicely in a big house is always fun.
    It's funny that the song takes such a depressing (<-opinion) topic and turns it into a kind of humor. The extremes of what she shows and sings about are fairly true to a lot of people that tend to want more than they need. May human nature be more nature than human.

  3. I definitely agree with you about this song.
    I think this song is really good choice.
    Nowadays, Many people want to rich and lots of money. Also, I think this song lyrics reveal a lot about the human nature. This song lyrics really interesting!
